Biyernes, Agosto 12, 2016

CIA Triad

The most common type pf security model is the CIA Triad. No, not the Central Intelligence Agency but rather the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. This principle is applicable across the whole topic of security analysis, from its users to encrypted data across the internet.

Confidentiality is about protecting the information from disclosure to unauthorized parties. And one of the component of confidentiality is the encryption. Encryption assures that the information will only be read by the right person. One of yhe example of encryption is the SSL. The other ways to ensures information confidentiality include cryptography, file permissions and access control.

Integrity refers to protecting information from being changed by unauthorized parties and to keep it accurate. Information only has value to its users when it is correct. Aside from confidentiality cryptography also plays a major part in data integrity. The most used method to keep the integrity is by comparing the data you received with the original data.

Availability of information refers to ensuring that authorized parties are able to access the information when needed. It is important to ensure that the information concerned is readily accessible to the authorized parties any time. Back up is the key to maintain the availability on data. Keeping back ups on important files might be appropriate especially in the times of natural disasters.

The CIA Triad is very significant principle when it comes to security. The 3 elements are important in making any security system. However, there are also other factors aside from the CIA that should be consider in certain scenarios.

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